Limited Planned Power Outages: South Taylor St., PT: Sept 18 & 19
Two planned power outages will be required in a highly localized area at the Port Townsend Bay end of Taylor Street as the PUD relocates electrical distribution infrastructure.
Customers impacted by this work will be contacted by PUD either by phone or site visit prior to these planned power outages.
- The first planned power outage will be Tuesday September 18, 2018 beginning at 6 a.m. lasting approximately 7 hours until 1 p.m. This outage is necessary in order to relocate PUD electrical distribution equipment for three nearby buildings.
- The second planned power outage will be Wednesday September 19, 2018 beginning at 6 a.m. lasting approximately 7 hours until 1 p.m. This outage is necessary in order to complete the relocation of PUD electrical distribution equipment.
Prior to the outages, contractors will be working on the sidewalk area of Taylor Street at 899 Water Street, performing preliminary work in preparation for our power outage.
This preparatory work will minimize outage durations.
Please be aware there will be equipment and materials on Taylor Street during the time this work is in progress. The PUD appreciates that these two outages impact individuals and business operations. PUD is making every effort to limit the outages durations for this necessary work in this area.
Thank you for your patience. If you have any questions concerning the outage please contact me.
Scott A. Bancroft
Special Projects Coordinator
PUD #1 of Jefferson County