Safety Is Our First Concern

Safety is the cornerstone of everything we do here at the PUD. Whether it’s electricity, drinking water, community septic, or broadband, we cannot provide the essential services our customers need unless they are safe to produce, transfer and use. Our employees receive constant training on the latest in safety practices to do their jobs.

Electrical Safety

Electricity is a part of our everyday lives and must be treated with respect. Some of our power lines are energized at 69,000 volts, nearly 300 times more than the voltage in the wires of your home.

Electricity travels the path of least resistance. If you come in contact with electricity, it can pass through your body, causing serious injury or death. Knowing what to do and what not to do around power lines can save lives – even yours!

Our members use electricity safely every day, yet we want everyone to know about the potential dangers. Importantly, we want our employees to return home safe and sound to their families every day. PUD linemen are first responders for public safety.

Medical Registry

Customers who rely on life-sustaining equipment are a concern for us. Please let us know if you are dependent on a kidney dialysis machine, a ventilator, or other such equipment. Email or call our Customer Service Department at (360) 385-5800. During unscheduled outages, we will attempt to restore service as quickly as possible to individuals with these special medical needs. We cannot and do not guarantee uninterrupted services. If a power outage would create a problem for you, we recommend that you install or have in place a backup system to support your needs during an outage.

Don’t Post on Poles

It’s against the law to post signs on power poles. It’s also dangerous for electrical workers. Leftover nails or pins from unauthorized postings can lead to punctures in a worker’s gloves that can expose them to electric shock, causing serious injury or death. When the sealed outer layers of a pole are pierced, moisture and insects creep in and cause damage that shortens the life of the pole, increasing maintenance costs. The National Electrical Safety Code prohibits these types of pole attachments.

Mylar Balloons & Drones

Metallic balloons touching power lines can cause fires, damage property and lead to injuries. Help us keep our community safe.

  • DO NOT release metallic balloons into the air
  • Tie all ribbons to weights but DO NOT tie ribbons together
  • NEVER use metallic ribbon with helium-filled balloons
  • PROPERLY DISPOSE of metallic balloons – puncture and deflate before reusing or throwing away.

Want to keep your drone free from danger? Keep it away from power lines. Flying too close may affect your drone’s signal. Landing on power lines could damage your  machine or cause a power outage.