It’s Drinking Water Week!
By Washington State Governor Proclamation the first full week of May is declared Drinking Water Week to help raise awareness for this vital resource and the essential teams that bring the water to your home or business tap.
For most Jefferson County residents what comes from the tap originated far below their feet–often 100+ feet! Down there, our water lies largely within ancient glacial/interglacial deposits and basalt bedrock. Well, technically our water does lie around long, in fact, water underfoot is always on the move! Unseen waters follow hidden paths to wells, surface creeks, rivers, and the salty (undrinkable) waterways surrounding our corner of the Peninsula.
Like above ground rivers and streams, these subterranean waterways experience fluctuations, but we are fortunate because aquifers (subterranean natural storage tanks) often have substantial capacity allowing them to weather droughts better than surface water. Above ground conditions do impact our underground resources, however. Near impenetrable hardpan till, low precipitation, and our seawater-bound geography are factors limiting the resources under our feet, so it is essential to use water wisely!
Our professional, local staff is proud to support more than 4,500 of our neighbors throughout our county with clean drinking water. As a community we share a wonderful water resource here in our beautiful corner of the world. Throughout the week we will look at ways to conserve this essential resource as we celebrate Drinking Water Week!
Did you know that 70% of water is used outdoors? Here are some outdoor watering tips to consider:
- Cold showers aren’t fun, and neither is letting that cold water simply drain away unused! Consider capturing the frigid pre-shower water in a bucket for use in your garden to help make the absolute most of our water resources! Remember: Every drop counts! Feed those carrots so they can feed you, too!
- Don’t run water continuously when washing your car. Use a nozzle on the hose to stop the water flow between rinsings. Clean the car with a pail of soapy water.
- Use a broom, not a hose, to clean driveways and sidewalks.
- Cut down on grass – grass requires up to four times as much water as other plants.
- Cut back on the amount of grass in your yard by planting shrubs or ground cover or putting in rock gardens.
- Choose climate friendly plants – many native plants can survive on rainwater alone, and they’re more disease and insect resistant.