PUD Fiber Internet Sign Up: Now Open


Buildout of Jefferson PUD’s fiber network begins in 2023.

Eligible homes and businesses in rural Jefferson County can qualify for installation of gig-speed fiber internet to the home thanks to more than $25M in grant and loan funding.

Does my home qualify?

It’s quick and easy to check qualification for no-charge installation of fiber within the grant boundaries by simply clicking this link: https://fiber.jeffpud.org/

Enter your address and whether it is for home or business, confirm the service location on the map, and see if your home or business qualifies!

Within a fiber buildout zone? Complete the contact information field and the brief customer survey on the next page and click submit and you’re all registered! Registration takes about 2 minutes and is non-binding, so you can absolutely change your mind later on. The service survey is merely a way for our broadband staff to gauge interest in offered monthly packages and in-home equipment needs. PUD fiber internet will be an open-access network, so you will be able to choose whether you would like Jefferson PUD to be your internet provider, or another ISP.

PLEASE NOTE: Please register early! No-charge fiber construction to the home is for the first 60% of sign up’s within each qualified grant zone. After the 60% threshold is met, construction fees may apply.

PT Business District (red colored zone) customers will have a one-time $1,200 construction fee. This zone if for eligible businesses only. The PT Business District is an ultra-low interest loan provided to the PUD for fiber buildout, allowing for the low cost installation.

As broadband buildout approaches your area in 2023 and 2024 (depending upon buildout zone), our team will reach out to finalize installation to the home.

Not in a fiber zone?

Please consider registering! The registration process allows us to gauge interest in PUD fiber internet service beyond our grant funded zones to make informed decisions about potential future expansion of our fiber network.



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