How Do I Sign Up For Woodchips?
The bulk of Jefferson County’s tree trimming takes place in the summer months, at various locations around the county. The PUD hires contract trimming crews like Asplundh and Kemp West to perform the trimming and clearing of branches from power lines.
These crews typically turn the trimmed limbs into piles of woodchips that are highly sought after by local customers for landscaping and gardening. How to get those woodchips? You need to live near the area where the trimming occurs, and you need to get on the waiting list. In some areas the demand for chips is quite high, and the list can be a dozen deep. In others you may be first on the list by default, though unlikely.
Signing up for the woodchip waiting list is easy: Email Operations Director Scott Bancroft at Put Woodchip List in the subject line and put your address in the message body as well as the location you would like the woodchips dumped. Scott will contact you when and if chips are available. And a reminder: PLEASE DO NOT APPROACH TREE TRIMMING CREWS WHILE THEY WORK!