REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS: Emergency Response Planning

Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County
Emergency Response Planning
PUD RFQ No. 20-001 

Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County is seeking firms to provide professional engineering services for a Water System Risk and Resilience Assessment (RRA) and Emergency Response Plan in compliance with the requirements of America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 (AWIA).   The PUD reserves the right to retain the engineering services for the PUD’s Electrical System Vulnerability and Risk Assessment (VRA) and to include all of the PUD’s utilities (electric, water, community septic and broadband) in the Emergency Response Plan. 

Project Description:   

The Risk & Resilience Assessment shall be conducted using generally accepted Water Sector guidance documents, procedures, and Best Practices, and shall include an assessment of all PUD’s Water System physical and cyber assets. At the conclusion of the assessment, a Risk & Resilience Assessment and Recommendations Report shall be provided. This assessment shall meet Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements for certification as outlined in AWIA.   

The Emergency Response Plan (ERP) will need to be based upon the current Water Sector guidance documents, procedures and Best Practices.  This ERP shall meet EPA requirements for certification as outlined in AWIA guidelines.   

RRA by June 30, 2021 and the ERP by December 30, 2021 (or six months from the time of the RRA submission).  

The PUD is a Rural Utility Service (RUS) borrower. 

Evaluation Criteria: 

Submittals will be evaluated and ranked based on the following criteria: 

  • Statement of Qualifications, 
  • Project team and project management, 
  • Project schedule, and 
  • References. 


Please submit one (1) hard copy and an electronic copy of the proposal to PUD No. 1 of Jefferson CountyAttn: Alyson Dean, 310 Four Corners Road, Port Townsend, WA 98368 no later than 3:00pm on Tuesday, January 26, 2021.  Email submittals are accepted and should be sent to  If submitting via email, a hard copy of the proposal is not required. 

Any questions regarding this submission should be directed to Samantha Harper, P.E. at 

Any firm failing to submit information in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Request for Qualifications may not be considered responsive and may therefore be subject to disqualification by the PUD.  

Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County is an equal opportunity provider and employer.  

The Request for Qualifications can be found on Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County website at then expand the Open RFPs and click on Request for Qualifications – Emergency Response Planning  



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