New Water Tank for Quilcene
The Quilcene water system is receiving a big upgrade in 2023.
The existing 30,000-gallon elevated steel tank, built in 1984 (pictured), lacks both the ability to provide adequate fire flow or allow for additional customers. The existing tank currently serves 40 Quilcene area connections. The new tank will be made of concrete, is more than triple the size, and will provide more water connections for future customers.
The new tank will also have improved seismic reinforcement, a new booster pump station, and a back-up generator. The tank’s increased capacity and improved fire flow (up to 1,000gpm) not only ensures more water for firefighting, but helps reduce insurance rates for businesses on the system.
The Quilcene water tank project has been in development since 2011. Early funding for project engineering was provided by a pair of grants from Jefferson County’s Public Infrastructure Fund.
After a competitive bidding process, the contract for the tank construction was awarded to Rognlin’s Inc., of Aberdeen, WA. Work begins this fall and will continue through the spring of 2023.
Tank removal and reconstruction funding has been made possible through a loan from the WA State Public Works Board.