Jefferson County Water Levels

Water levels in PUD wells are mostly at normal seasonal levels, but some are lower than usual.

Smaller systems and aquifers outside the bigger basins are potentially more vulnerable to intensive usage during high heat events. Check current heat-related advisories and warnings here.  Also, we may be in significant drought conditions soon, and into the future.

The forecasted El Nino, typically a warmer, drier than normal fall-winter pattern, may result in significant drought conditions in 2024. While we are not currently in a water shortage situation, significant heat events can stress pumps and aquifers with the increased demand. Regardless, smart water use is warranted.

Each monthly, Jefferson PUD conducts wellhead “soundings,” at each of its 9 Group A water systems to monitor current well levels and well recharge rates.

The reality: There simply is not a lot of water to go around in East Jefferson County.

A map of the Chimacum basin water flow.
Hydrology in the heart of our region flows heavily toward our highest-producing well, the Sparling Well, located outside Port Hadlock. Precipitation supplies nearly all of the annual recharge to groundwater in our corner of the world.

We live in a naturally water-limited area as part of the Olympic Mountain rainshadow.  Most of our water sources (those not coming out of a creek basin) are essentially hydrologic islands with small basins to catch fall and winter precipitation. Our most productive source basin, Chimacum, has regulatory flows to protect salmon and trout species that severely limit future uses.

We all need to be thoughtful in how we use water, particularly this time of year. Lowering groundwater levels will, in places, reduce the amount of groundwater that naturally discharges to creeks. Minimizing usage can help keep water levels elevated so that stream flows can provide their life-giving function for fish. Keeping your garden healthy by watering smart in early and/or late hours with PUD water in Port Hadlock could help summer chum salmon make it to their spawning grounds in October.

Please use water wisely. For some useful water conservation tips, please go to



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