Celebrating Milestones: Fiber Kickoff
On September 21st, JPUD celebrated the halfway point on its $20M project to build 10-Gigabit fiber internet to 1,200 rural residences between Quilcene, Gardiner, and Chimacum. PUD commissioners and staff were joined by project contractors and state legislators, in a not-so-classic ribbon-cutting ceremony, where a length of fiber optic cable and a pair of bolt cutters where used to mark the occasion.
The parade was the perfect venue to showcase the latest fiber vehicle, our mobile splicing van complete with PUD fiber emblems, plus our mini bucket and fiber reel (coming to a roadway near you!) and leading the pack was the newest full-size bucket truck.

The PUD has built fiber to more than 800 homes to date, with plans to reach 4,000 homes across 5 grant-funded project areas by 2028.
Thank you all for the great questions and interest in our fiber network–the PUD is excited to continue connecting our community.