Last call received regarding potential scam – April 19, 2017
UPDATE – A call came in today from a business customer who was targeted by scammers. The would-be scammers said they were from the “electric company” and if the business customer didn’t pay over the phone immediately they would be shutoff at 2PM today.
The customer knew better. They called us immediately after hanging up.
This is a recurring scam with only slight variations between scammers. Arm yourself with the facts! The PUD staff no longer takes customer financial information over the phone; the PUD will not, nor will any company associated with us, ever call you and threaten to turn your power off if you don’t pay immediately or that same day. If you suspect you are being scammed, hang up, use your caller log or caller ID to grab their number and call us (360.385.5800) and/or the Jefferson County Sherriff Office to report your experience. We urge customers to BE SKEPTICAL. This message will be reposted every time we receive a call about a PUD customer being scammed. With your help we can stop these scammers now before more lose their money.