Jefferson County PUD has contracted with Mycoff, Fry & Prouse to select a new General Manager. The search will involve a multi-stage process detailed below. It is currently underway and is expected to conclude in the Spring of 2018. The first round of public input on an ideal candidate profile for the potential GM was held on Dec 19th. Results from the meeting can be obtained here. Additional public comment on the GM search can be sent to More info about Mycoff, Fry, & Prouse is available here, as is a the GM job description.
January 9, 5pm Jefferson Transit
Two-hour Executive Session for purpose of evaluating qualifications in Port Hadlock, including review of long-list report and resumes. Scott gathers input and recommends 4-6 candidates for interview. Scott’s decision will be independent of the board unless the Board wants to act in a public meeting.
January 22 & 23
JPUD Board, Don, Scott, and Rick interview finalists in Port Hadlock. Likely a day-and-a-half to two-day exercise. It is preferred to interview no more than three candidates per day.
By Feb 2
Between Feb 12 and 23
End of February to Early March
March to Early April
Successful candidate begins employment.