A New Year: Dan Toepper
I would like to wish everyone a healthy and prosperous 2025.
2024 was another active year for Jefferson PUD. Our electric division did a spectacular job of keeping the lights on, strengthening our grid and rounding out our AMI meter replacement project. Our water/wastewater crew completed long-term projects like the Quilcene water tank replacement and made great strides on the Snow Creek wellhouse upgrade.
PUD staff were also successful at securing low-interest funding to upgrade the Coyle water system. The PUD also signed an agreement with Jefferson County Public Works to maintain, operate and manage billing for the new Hadlock sewer system.
Our Broadband team continues to pursue grant funding and crews completed fiber to the home for more than 1,000 residents by the end of 2024.
2025 poses many challenges as our utility continues to expand services, undertake critically needed capital improvement projects and search to find a replacement for our retiring GM, Kevin Streett. I encourage our customer-owners to participate in our Board meetings and provide feedback as we navigate the New Year.
It has been a pleasure and an honor to serve the people of Jefferson County for the past six years as District 3 PUD Commissioner. Thank you for your support and for your trust in allowing me to serve our community for another six years.
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About Commissioner Toepper
Dan Toepper lives in Port Ludlow with his wife Robin. Except for 8 years in Port Hadlock, Dan has lived in Port Ludlow his entire life. He is a graduate of Chimacum High School. Dan coached little league in Jefferson County for many years. He and Robin have four children and six grandchildren. In 2018, he retired from a long career as a Heavy Equipment Operator in union construction. Dan learned a lot about utilities on the job, installing everything from sewer to fiber on job sites around Western Washington. Dan’s goal as commissioner is to improve the PUD’s organizational stability and structure. As District 3 commissioner he represents citizens in the communities of Discovery Bay, Gardiner, Quilcene, Brinnon, as well as Port Ludlow, Shine, Thorndyke and Coyle. He was elected in 2018 and re-elected in 2024.