All sections must be filled out, signed, and dated by a PTCS® Certified Technician at the time of installation. A copy of the completed form must be promptly submitted to the utility and homeowner in accordance with utility policy.
Bonneville Power Administration standards are 9.0 HSPF, 14 SEER. Check with utility regarding equipment eligibility if below these standards.
Check unit operating at full capacity unless conditions do not permit. Attach additional sheets as needed if test must be re-run.
1. Record expected CFM/ton based on fan wiring board settings
2. Measure return static pressure
3. Measure supply plenum static pressure
4. Calculate external static pressure: add values in #2 and #3 together, ignoring the minus sign and absolute value.
An External Static Pressure of 200 Pa (0.8 inches H²O) or more in Step 4 can result in extreme fan energy use and early fan failure.
Use the Technical Resources section at to determine acceptable performance, unless using alternative method.
1. Measure Normal Supply Operating Pressure (NSOP) [A]
2. Check TrueFlow plate size and units
3. Note TrueFlow plate location
4. Measure Supply Pressure with TrueFlow plate in (TFSOP) [B]
5. Calculate Correction Factor [C]
6. Measure plate pressure
7. Enter Raw Flow CFM from tables [D]
8. Calculate Corrected Flow (CFM=CF × [D])
9. Calculate CFM/ton
Run unit for at least 15 minutes in compressor-only mode before taking. Use the Technical Resources section at to determine acceptable performance, unless using alternative method.
Heating Mode (65°F or lower)
Cooling Mode (Higher than 65°F)
Alternative Method
PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Basic authority for collecting this information is authorized by 16 U.S.C. §§ 832 et. seq., and 838 et. seq., pursuant to Bonneville Power Administration’s Conservation Program system of records established in 46 FR 31700. This information is primarily intended to further, but is incidental to the performance of, BPA’s overall Energy Efficiency Program, the objective of which is to acquire energy resources through energy efficiency, to determine what cost-effective conservation and direct application renewable resources measures should be installed or adopted under different circumstances, and to provide incentives for the installation of such measures. Other routine issues of this information include: aggregation into a public database on energy efficiency; furnished to authorized personnel for installation/repair of equipment; aggregated into a database for program publicity; and in some instances information regarding buildings will be made available to subsequent purchasers of the buildings. Your disclosure of the requested information is voluntary; however failure to provide requested information means that it will not be possible for you to participate in this BPA Energy Efficiency program.
With my signature below, I certify that I meet all of the above rebate requirements and that the information I have provided is accurate and complete.