PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Basic authority for collecting this information is authorized by 16 U.S.C. §§ 832 et. seq., and 838 et. seq., pursuant to Bonneville Power Administration’s Conservation Program system of records established in 46 FR 31700. This information is primarily intended to further, but is incidental to the performance of, BPA’s overall Energy Efficiency Program, the objective of which is to acquire energy resources through energy efficiency, to determine what cost-effective conservation and direct application renewable resources measures should be installed or adopted under different circumstances, and to provide incentives for the installation of such measures. Other routine issues of this information include: aggregation into a public database on energy efficiency; furnished to authorized personnel for installation/repair of equipment; aggregated into a database for program publicity; and in some instances information regarding buildings will be made available to subsequent purchasers of the buildings. Your disclosure of the requested information is voluntary; however failure to provide requested information means that it will not be possible for you to participate in this BPA Energy Efficiency program.