Appliances & Smart Thermostats

The PUD administers a rebate program for customers who install electrically efficient measures such as heat pumps, weatherization, appliances and lighting with funds provided by Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). BPA determines what measures result in actual energy savings and what they will pay for a rebate.  Rebate measures increase, decrease and sometimes completely expire based on the state of the market or other new information based on their analysis.

Energy Star Washers and Dryers

Laundry area with modern white appliances

ENERGY STAR clothes washers use 20% less energy and 35% less water than standard washing machines. ENERGY STAR does not label clothes dryers because most of them use similar amounts of energy. New clothes dryers with a moisture sensor that automatically shuts off the machine when clothes are dry can save on energy and wear and tear on clothing.

Rebate Amounts:

Clothes Washers – 2 Options

(view Energy Star clothes washer database for product eligibility)

Tier 1 (electric water heater) (IMEF = > 2.76)    $35
Tier 1 (gas water heater) (IMEF = > 2.76)    $30

IMEF= Integrated Modified Energy Factor

Clothes Dryers – $50*

(view Energy Star clothes dryers for product eligibility)

Smart Thermostat Rebate Program

hand adjusting a thermostat

For the average American household, almost half the annual energy bill goes to heating and cooling – more than $900 a year. Being smart about temperature settings will save you money  A smart thermostat is a Wi-Fi enabled device that automatically adjusts heating and cooling temperature settings for optimal performance.

Rebate Program Requirements:

  • Thermostat must be listed on BPA’s Qualified Products List
  • Device must be installed in homes where the primary heating system is either an electric forced air furnace or a central heat pump.

Rebate Amounts:

Residential Smart Thermostat (customer installed) – $140

for more information on the PUD’s conservation rebate programs call (971) 245-3280 or email